Know When to Stop! Time Wealth vs Time Slave.
Examples of Time Wealth and Time Slavery
Hello, and welcome once again to “Life Stories.” It has been two months since our last video of the kind. We hope you enjoyed our 2 part videos from “Life Theory” the past two weeks. If you haven’t, be sure to check them out. Links will be provided in the info notes below the video.
If you have seen our upload on August 15, you might remember that we wanted to take a little time to reevaluate how we put out content, as the view counts aren’t what we had expected. And, we have concluded to update the way we upload content.
Starting today, we will reserve the days for Life Lessons on the first and the 15th of each month. The content will also be available on our blog as a readable option as well. You can visit our blog at skyboy46 dot com, slash blog.
And, starting today, we are going to have a random package of video uploads for relevant themes we consider will be of great value for all people who are about to make or are making life-changing decisions and what options the world provides you with. Just be sure to subscribe, so you won’t miss them once we start rolling them out.
Ok. that’s enough with the updates for today. It is time to take a deep breath, relax, and exhale.
Once more. Deep breath, relax and exhale.
Today’s lesson is about knowing when to stop. But, hey! “Life Lessons! Knowing when to stop from what? And the answer is, knowing when to stop when you have achieved your goal.
You see, many people start a business, trading, or experimenting for the sole reason of achieving something they are missing. This is all ok when you are in your twenties and thirties and have the most time and energy, or so we think. Give enough time for a person to be on the top, and he won’t be able to step down from the Iron Throne, even if that is causing him misery and pain to others around him. If we ask you today how much money you have in your bank, and your answer was 40000 dollars, which by the way, is the actual number for what Americans have in their checking, savings, money market, and prepaid debit cards. If we were to ask you, is that money enough, I guarantee you that you will say, well, I wish it could have been at least three times that amount. Ok, nothing wrong with that one. But, here is where it gets interesting, and there has been an actual study done to confirm this. If you ask anybody, from a poor person to the middle class to millionaires, up the way to the billionaires, the same question, they will all reply that they would wish to have at least three times the amount they have today. That is mind-boggling to us. The person with 1 million dollars will always wish for 3 million. The person with 3 million will always want nine million, so it goes.
We, humans, will never know when to say that’s enough. This happens when we forget why we started in the first place. Was your dream to be wealthy and have your free time? Of course, it was! Who wants to work for the goals of someone else? No one! There comes a time in life when you should ask yourself if working for more money is worth it! And, 100 percent of the time, the answer is no! Life tends to go faster when we are getting older, and the truth is, no one remembers the people who worked 12-hour shifts five days a week. They are now dead, and their work doesn’t even exist today, as times are changing faster than ever. They are many takeaways from what we just said, but if not anything else, just question this one thing. Is what you are doing today worth the limited time you have left living on this magical planet called Earth? If the answer is no, sit down, make some calculations, make a plan, choose a new country if you have to, but find the best return of time value thing you can do in order to enjoy your stay on this big blue ball. Forget about society, norms, and other mediocre bullshits. As long as you don’t do harm to others, you can live however the hell you want your life, and the only way to do it meaningful is by having time on your side.
We are going to end this video with something from one of our favorite actors and human beings, Jim Carrey.
“I really like my quiet life and I really like putting paint on canvas and I really love my spiritual life and I feel like, and this is something you might never hear another celebrity say as long as time exists–I have enough. I’ve done enough. I am enough.” “I’m going to continue to be in the world, no matter what. We have more of an effect on the world than we know. We don’t have to be multi-hyphenates to affect the world.”
Thank you for being with us today. Be sure to check what Design we have put at the end of this video and until net time.
Keep on rising.
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